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artist / photographer
This work invites viewers to take a closer look at urban ephemera - ads and broadsides randomly pasted on city walls, then stripped away by time, weather & circumstance. What’s left are decomposed and jumbled layers of paint, paper, texture, color, word, and image that I hurry to photograph before another layer is slapped on, and it all changes again.

Knowledge And Wisdom
©2019 Fruma Markowitz

©2019 Fruma Markowitz

Anonymous Was A Woman
©2019 Fruma Markowitz

Leaning In
©2019 Fruma Markowitz

Small Comfort After The Fact
©2019 Fruma Markowitz

R is for Refugee
©2019 Fruma Markowitz

They Told Her to Smile, So She Did
©2019 Fruma Markowitz

Answers to Previous Puzzles
©2019 Fruma Markowitz

Cool Cat and the Pepsi Girl
©2019 Fruma Markowitz
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